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Are Are you eligible for BCA?
2nd semester
5th semester
Online Education
December 24, 2019
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) is an undergraduate degree with a typical duration of three years. The guidelines of this course are provided by All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE).
It includes six semesters which will help you learn about various programming languages and software of computer applications.
BCA not only provides you the theoretical knowledge but also practical knowledge. It enables you to 'apply' your knowledge in practical world. The course involves a blend of theory and practical. In each semester, you will face some theoretical exams and some practical.
You will have to make some projects and face vivas thereof. The doors opened for the BCA graduates are of software development, web design, systems management, quality assurance and software testing. A BCA graduate is eligible to work in any type of IT industry.
Are Are you eligible for BCA?
Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination from STATE Board/CBSE/ICSE or any other examination considered equivalent to 10+2, by the STATE University, with 40% Marks (35% marks for SC/ST category), shall be eligible. Maximum age limit for admission to BCA course is 21 years for general category, 24 years for SC/ST category and 23 years for girls candidates, as on the 1st July of the year concerned. The Vice Chancellor may permit age relaxation up to maximum of three
The admission in BCA is availed on the basis of the marks scored in the entrance test. These marks will decide the college you will be allowed for the course in the university. The criteria of allotment is different in different universities. Many universities not even asks to take the entrance test. The eligibility to sit for the test is an at least aggregate percentage of 60 in 12th standard from a recognized board.
Mode of Selection
The admission in BCA is availed on the basis of the marks scored in the entrance test. These marks will decide the college you will be allowed for the course in the university. The criteria of allotment is different in different universities. Many universities not even asks to take the entrance test. The eligibility to sit for the test is an at least aggregate percentage of 60 in 12th standard from a recognized board.
Mode of Selection
The admission to BCA course will be made on the basis of merit
of the qualifying examination.
As per STATE University rules 75% seats will be filled out of the
candidates who have passed their 10+2 examination from the school
situated in STATE irrespective of the Board. Remaining
25% seats will be filled on all India basis. Other reservation rules of
STATE University shall be applicable.
4. Scheme of Examination
The pass percentage in each subject will be 40%.
What does BCA offer?
After completing the BCA course, the student will become specialized in following fields:
- Computer Graphics
- Programming Languages
- Database Management
- Systems Analysis
- Word Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Accounting Applications
- Animation
- Music and Video Processing
- Personal information Management
The syllabus of BCA is designed such that, the student gets an in-depth knowledge about many computer languages such as C, C++, JAVA and many more.
C language
All those aspire to be a programmer, C is the basic computer language they should have knowledge about. It provides a basic idea about the programming languages.
C++ language
This computer language enables your computer applications work in the way you want them to work in. As the name implies, this is the '++' version of C language.
1st semester
The very first semester of BCA includes following subjects:
2nd semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
4th semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
- Personnel Management
- Accounting
- System Analysis and Design
- Internet Technology & Web Page Design
- Programming in Visual Basic
4th semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
6th semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
Online Education
December 24, 2019
स्कूल की पढाई पूरी करने के बाद अक्सर students की mind में उथल पुथल होता है की आगे कौन सी पढाई की जाये .माता पिता सोचते है की शर्मा जी का बेटा B.Tech कर रहा है .हम अपने बच्चे को B.Tech कराएँगे .लेकिन students को ये चाहिए की उनका इंटरेस्ट किस्मे है .वो लाइफ में क्या बनना चाहते है .उसी हिसाब से कोर्स को सर्च करके उनके बारे में अच्छे से GOOGLE करके .आगे की पढाई करनी चाहिए .इसी आधार पर मै आपको BCA (Bachelor In Computer Application) के बारे में बताने वाला हु की BCA क्या है ? ये डिग्री उन students के लिए होता है .जो स्टूडेंट कंप्यूटर में इंटरेस्ट रखते है .या कंप्यूटर क्षेत्र में करियर बनना चाहते है .और इस पोस्ट में हम BCA Course Details In Hindi के बारे में भी बात करेंगे की bca course कैसे करे . और BCA salary (Salary after bca ) के बारे में भी विस्तार से जानेंगे की आखिर BCA course करने के बाद हम कितने पैसे कम सकते है .और BCA scope क्या है bca के बाद हमे कौन सी जॉब मिलेगी .तो चलिए इन्ही बातो को ध्यान में रखते हुए पोस्ट को सुरु करते है .
BCA क्या है .BCA course details in hindi
BCA को हम Bachelor In Computer Application के नाम से भी जानते है .BCA क्या है ? BCA एक undergraduate डिग्री है .BCA करने के बाद आप वो सब कर सकते है .जोकी आप BA ..B.TECH करने के बाद कर सकते है .अगर आपका इंटरेस्ट कंप्यूटर में है तो आप BCA कर सकते है .BCA में हमे कंप्यूटर के बारे में पढाया जाता है . bca karne ke bad hum software engineer,freelancing,web designing,android development….aadi के क्षेत्र में जॉब कर सकते है.
BCA एक प्रकार का टेक्निकल course है .जिसमे हमे कंप्यूटर के सॉफ्टवेयर को डेवेलोप करने और कंप्यूटर से जुडी सारी छोटी बड़ी नॉलेज के बारे में बताया जाता है .कंप्यूटर के क्षेत्र में अगर आपका इंटरेस्ट है और आप अच्छे वेब डेवलपर,सॉफ्टवेर इंजिनियर बनना चाहते है तो आप bca अवश्य करे .
BCA कैसे और कहा से करे
अगर आप bca करने जा रहे है तो सुबसे ज्यादा जरूरी रहता है की bca करे तो कैसे और कहा से करे .bca करने के लिए आपको बस किसी अच्छे टेक्निकल सरकारी या प्राइवेट कॉलेज में addmssion लेना होगा .
अगली बात bca करे तो कहा से करे bca करने के लिए सुबसे पहले आपको तय करना है की आपके आस पास कौन सा अच्छा कॉलेज है उस कॉलेज में जाकर आप बात करिए fees वगेरा के बारे में और आप आसानी से admission ले सकते है .
BCA की फीस
अगर आप bca करने जा रहे है तो सबसे आवश्यक बात होती है bca की फीस पता करना .bca की फीस सरकारी कॉलेज में एवरेज 5-6 हजार पर सेमेस्टर चुकाने पड़ते है .और अगर आप प्राइवेट कॉलेज का चुनाव करते है तो आपको 15-20 हजार रुपया तक पर सेमेस्टर चुकाना पद सकता है .
BCA की qualification
bca करने के लिए आपकी qualification 12th पास होनी चाहिए .12th में आपके पास मैथ्स अवश्य होना चाहिए .तभी आपको एक अच्छे कॉलेज में अद्द्मिस्सिओन मिल सकता है .कुछ कॉलेज बिना maths के भी करते है .उनके बारे में आपको अवश्य google करना चाहिए अगर आपके पास maths सब्जेक्ट नही है तो .
BCA की college
bca करने के लिए मई आपको suggest करूंगा की आप अपने नजदीक के ही किसी कॉलेज का चुनाव करे .अगर आपको नजदीक में कोई कॉलेज नही है तो आप दुसरे कॉलेज का उपयोग कर सकते है .
bca करने के बाद आपकी जॉब कौन सी लगेगी ये सबसे जरूरी हो जाता है .किसी भी डिग्री या course करने से पहले .तो मई आपको बता दू की bca करने के बाद आप web development ,freelancing ,सॉफ्टवेर इंजीनियरिंग ,एंड्राइड development में अपना करियर बना सकते है .जोकि एक उचे वोह्दे के जॉब होते है इन जॉब्स में अच्छी एक्स्पीरिएंस हो जाने के बाद आप अच्छे से पैसे earn करेंगे.
सारांश :- मै आशा करता की ये blog post आपको अच्छा लगा होगा .ऐसे ही हमारे साथ ऐसे पोस्ट पढ़ते रहने के लिए हमे सब्सक्राइब करे :-
इसे भी पढ़े :-
What is BCA salary ?
Online Education
December 24, 2019
As per the amendments on 14.8.15 by the Executive Council of STATE University, CITY and effective from session 2019-20 onwards
BCA is a 3-year bachelors course in computer applications. And it is a good option if you are interested in computer science and want to make your career in it after 12th. According to me, BCA is an easy course if you have an interest in computer science
1. About the Course
Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) is three years under
graduate course spread over six semesters under self financing
2. Eligibility
Candidates who have passed 10+2 examination from STATE Board/CBSE/ICSE or any other examination considered equivalent to 10+2, by the STATE University, , with 40% Marks (35% marks for SC/ST category), shall be eligible. Maximum age limit for admission to BCA course is 21 years for general category, 24 years for SC/ST category and 23 years for girls candidates, as on the 1st July of the year concerned. The Vice Chancellor may permit age relaxation up to maximum of three months.
3. Mode of Selection
The admission to BCA course will be made on the basis of merit of the qualifying examination. As per STATE University rules 75% seats will be filled out of the candidates who have passed their 10+2 examination from the school situated in STATE irrespective of the Board. Remaining 25% seats will be filled on all India basis. Other reservation rules of STATE University shall be applicable. Scheme of Examination The pass percentage in each subject will be 40%.
i) Theory Papers:
For Regular students each paper will be of 100 marks (70% marks for End Semester Examination and 30 marks for Continuous Comprehensive Assessment) and duration of each paper will be 3 hours. For ICDEOL students each theory paper will be of 100 marks and of 3 hours duration. In each theory paper, nine questions are to be set. Two questions are to be set from each Unit and candidate is required to attempt at least one question from each unit. Question number nine will be compulsory, which will be of short answer type with 5 to 10 parts, out of the entire syllabus. In all, five questions are to be attempted.
i) Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) accounting for 30% of the final grade that a student gets in a course; and
ii) End-Semester Examination (ESE) accounting for the remaining 70% of the final grade that the student gets in a course.
1. A student will have to pass both the components (i.e. CCA and ESE) separately to become eligible to be declared successful in a course.
2. The ratio of Continuous Comprehensive Assessment (CCA) and End-Semester Examination (ESE) would remain unchanged (i.e. 50:50) for the students of the academic sessions admitted in 2013 and 2014.
Mid-Term (Minor) Test – There will be one mid-term test, to be conducted when approximately 2/3 of the syllabus has been covered. This mid-term test will be for 15 marks. Mid-term test will be
conducted by the college in consultation with the teacher.
Note: Mid-term (Minor) Test will be of 30 marks for the students of the academic sessions admitted in 2013 and 2014 respectively.
Seminar/Assignment/Term Paper–The remaining 10 marks of the CCA will be awarded on the basis of seminar/assignment/term paper etc. that the course teacher might give to the students.
Seminar/Assignment/Term Paper will be of 15 marks for
the students of the academic sessions admitted in 2013 and
End-Semester Examination (ESE): The remaining 70% of the final grade of the student in a course will be on the basis of an end-semester examination (ESE) that will be for three hours duration and will be covering the whole syllabus of the course.
1. Only those students will be allowed to appear in the ESE
who have been successful in the CCA.
2. The remaining 50% of the final grade for the students of
the academic sessions 2013 and 2014 in a course will be on
the basis of an end-semester examination (ESE) that will be
for three hours duration and will be covering the whole
syllabus of the course.
A student, who fulfills all the requirements for appearing in a semester examination, is unable to appear in the examination or to complete it on account of his/her own serious illness, accident, or on account of the death of near relative (mother, father, brother and sister), or the dates of state or national level examinations falls on dates of the semester exams may be allowed to appear in the semester exam in the next academic year when examination for that semester is due. Permission to sit in the examination will be permitted by college Principal/Director on the production of a valid certificate/document from the competent authority. The college will send the name of the student to the Registration and Migration Cell for information. The question paper for the ESE may have any one of the following patterns:
Part A
Fifteen objective type questions (MCQ / True or False / fill in the
blanks etc.) for 1 mark each. 15 × 1= 15 marks
Part B
Ten short answer (25 words) type questions for 2 marks each.
10 × 2 = 20 marks
Part C
Ten questions of Medium Length Answer type (50 words) for 4 marks
each of which five will have to be answered.
5× 4 = 20 marks
Part D
Three questions of long answer (400 words) type, of which one is to be
attempted for 15 marks.
15 × 1 = 15 marks
Total marks (A + B + C + D) 15+ 20 + 20 +15 = 70 marks.
Part A (Compulsory)
Compulsory of 30 marks consisting of 10 objective type questions of mark each (in MCQ/True False/Fill in the blanks or such type), and
five short answer questions (25 to 50 words) of 4 marks each covering
whole of the syllabus.
Part B (UNIT I)
One question out of two questions each of 10 marks. Each of these
questions may contain sub parts and will be long type.
Part C (UNIT II)
One question out of two questions each of 10 marks. Each of these
questions may contain sub parts and will be long type.
One question out of two questions each of 10 marks. Each of these
questions may contain sub parts and will be long type
Part E (UNIT IV)
One question out of two questions each of 10 marks. Each of these
questions may contain sub parts and will be of long type.
Total marks (A + B + C + D + E) 30+10+10+10+10 = 70 marks.
The result would be declared by the Controller of Examination of the
stateUniversity and the degree (or certificate or diploma
as the case may be) conferred. A candidate shall be eligible for the
conferment of the Bachelor’s degree only if he / she has earned the
minimum required credits for the programme prescribed in the
regulations (i.e. (a) For a bachelors degree with major (honours): 120
credits in total and minimum of 9 credits in Compulsory Courses; 56
credits in Core Courses; a minimum of 40 credits in Elective Courses
(minimum 20 credits in each of the minor subjects, or (b) For a
bachelors degree: 106 credits with 48 credits in Core Courses; 48
credits in Elective Courses (24 credits in each of the two subjects
studied) and minimum of 9 credits in Compulsory Courses); and a
minimum of 1 credit of GI and H.
ii) Practical Examination
Max. Marks: 50
CCA (Continuous Comprehensive Assessment): 35
ESE (End Semester Examination): 15
Duration: 3 hours.
Practical exam will be conducted by the external examiner from
the panel submitted to The Chairman, Computer Science Department,
state University and duly approved by the competent
authority of the university, state University,
iii) Project Work
Max. Marks: 50
CCA (Continuous Comprehensive Assessment): 35
ESE (End Semester Examination): 15
In the 6th semester the student has to develop one project,
which will be evaluated by the external examiner from the panel
submitted to The Chairman, Computer Science Department,
Himachal Pradesh University, and duly approved by the university
authority/evaluation branch, Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla on
the following basis:
1. Project Report 10 Marks (To be evaluated externally)
2. Seminar 15 Marks (To be evaluated internally)
3. Viva Voce 25 Marks (To be evaluated externally)
5. Medium of Instruction
English will be the medium of instruction as well as
6. Promotion Rule
As per the University norms.
For Regular students each paper will be of 100 marks (70% marks for End Semester Examination and 30 marks for Continuous Comprehensive Assessment) and duration of each paper will be 3 hours. For ICDEOL students each theory paper will be of 100 marks and of 3 hours duration. In each theory paper, nine questions are to be set. Two questions are to be set from each Unit and candidate is required to attempt at least one question from each unit. Question number nine will be compulsory, which will be of short answer type with 5 to 10 parts, out of the entire syllabus. In all, five questions are to be attempted.
Hello BCA Stands for Bachelor in Computer Application. BCA holders who get the job in IT segments like software Services, Business Process Management (BPM/BPO), engineering services and computer hardware, their salary ranges between 18,000-25,000 INR per month after you complete a short training.
Is BCA a good course after 12th?
The answer is yes. But you must know some facts before you start working on admission process! BCA is a Bachelor's Degree course which any stream students can pursue (Science, Commerce and Arts) after completing 12th schooling from a recognized Board.
What type of math is in BCA?
What is the level of maths in BCA? It varies from university to university. In general there can be two papers of mathematics in the two different semesters. First paper covers some important topics (Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, Coordinate Geometry etc) from higher secondary mathematics.
What are the subjects of BCA?
Some of B.C.A. Specializations
- Computer Graphics.
- Programming Languages.
- Database Management.
- Systems Analysis.
- Word Processing.
- Internet Technologies.
- Accounting Applications.
- Animation.
What is the importance of BCA?
Why do a BCA course? In this age of Computers and everything being digitalized, knowledge about machines is very important. It helps the person have a distinct advantage over the others who do not have a degree in Computer Applications. The domain is growing at a rapid pace.
Is BCA a software engineer?
A BCA graduate is a software programmer armed with the knowledge of scripting as well as programming languages like C, C++, Java, HTML, PHP etc. whereas BTech graduate has detailed knowledge of both hardware and software. Tech. is a four-year undergraduate program; BCA is a three-year undergraduate program.
Is BCA good for science students?
BCA course is best for those students who are not able take 4 year B-Tech graduation degree course in Computer Science branch. ... Bachelor in Computer Application (BCA) is one of the popular courses among the students who want to make their career in the IT (Information Technology) field.
2nd semester
5th semester
Online Education
December 14, 2019
1st semester
The very first semester of BCA includes following subjects:
2nd semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
3rd semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
3rd semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
4th semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
6th semester
The subject for the second semester of BCA is as follows:
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